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My experience in AI Image Generation & Editing spans several years of working on innovative solutions in this field. During my tenure, I've been involved in developing and applying machine learning and deep learning algorithms to create new images and enhance existing ones.My responsibilities included researching and applying various approaches to image generation, such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), autoencoders, and convolutional neural network-based architectures. I've also developed algorithms to improve image quality, remove noise, increase resolution, and transform styles.Additionally, I have experience in image editing using machine learning methods, including image segmentation, object detection, and automatic photo enhancement. I've actively utilized deep learning tools and libraries such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and OpenCV to implement these solutions.My approach to AI image generation and editing combines technical expertise, creative thinking, and understanding user needs to create innovative and aesthetically appealing solutions.
  • Experience
    3 years
  • Price for time
    13 $
  • Number of free hours
    0 hours

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