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A short guide for beginner Java developer jobs. Let's talk about one of the most popular programming languages, find out why it is so remarkable, why many people want to learn it as a first language, what programs can be created using Java and where to learn it to have the good positions of java job.

What is Java?

Java is a general purpose programming language. That is, a language that is used in the development of various software products, without clear specialization in a specific area. It is similar in many ways to Python, JavaScript, and other languages at the same level as Java. In addition, Java borrows a lot of syntax from C and C++.

This is an object-oriented language. The entire structure is built around objects, classes, instances and other formal entities accepted in the programming community as the standard for OOP development. It's like designing houses using individual building blocks, which can then be used to construct different types of buildings. Programs written in Java consist of similar “blocks,” which reduces development time and also makes the code more readable and easier to modify.

Java also acts as the best platform. Code written in this language runs in the JVM and can be initialized without problems on any system that supports the corresponding virtual machine.

Pros of Java

Why should you learn Java? Why is it so good and how did it gain such wide popularity in the developer community?

1.    It is easy to learn. Much of the syntax is borrowed from C++, but in an improved form. The creators of Java have eliminated all the controversial issues. The result is C++, which is not only quite powerful and versatile, but also convenient.

2.    Java is a stable and reliable language. Its object-oriented nature avoids fatal development errors caused by programmers.

3.    Safety is also not the last priority. When creating Java, specialists with java script jobs were already thinking about using the language to create mobile applications that would communicate over the Internet. Therefore, already at the design stage, they set out to make Java as secure as possible.

And most importantly, complete independence from the chosen platform. As we said above, Java can be used to develop for any operating system.

Cons of Java

It is much more difficult to highlight the disadvantages of a language as clearly as the advantages. The cons are pretty vague. The first thing that comes to mind is the entry threshold. Yes, I mentioned earlier that Java is similar to JavaScript, but the latter is much easier to start learning. Java, despite its huge community of fans and insane popularity, is still difficult for beginners.

Java was created to solve relatively complex problems. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for writing small scripts. It's like plowing a garden bed on a small summer cottage using an industrial combine. It's possible, but why?

Also, because all the code runs in virtual machines, Java is more difficult to optimize. Therefore, the performance of Java AI jobs can be noticeably slower at times. In particular, this was noticeable in the early stages of Android development. Then he earned himself a reputation for always freezing and terribly slow product. It was all Java's fault.

How in demand is Java?

If you enter the query “Java” on freelance sites, you will find an excellent java developer vacancy all over the world. Abroad, of course, there are many times more offers. So there is a demand for Java developers. What I mean is that once you start learning a language, you don’t need to worry that later you won’t be able to find a job with a stable income. If you become a good specialist, you will definitely succeed. Minimum salary in the best companies – from 1000$.

Employees are required for banking organizations and startups of all kinds, both contract jobs, and remote jobs, including AR/VR projects. Even large foreign companies invite you and pay you well, providing you with a bunch of other bonuses.

Is it difficult to learn Java from scratch?

Depends on the format of training, of course. Learning everything on your own can be difficult. For those who do not understand programming, there are hundreds of courses and training programs adapted for beginners.

For those who already write in another language, there is a wealth of literature and a huge, loyal community of Java fans. It won’t be difficult to learn everything on your own, especially if you’ve previously had a vacancy in C++, JavaScript or C#.

New Java developers are constantly coming from somewhere. This means that learning a language and starting to make applications in it is quite a challenging task. You can do it too!


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