Python Jobs

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Showing 1 -10 Of 385 Jobs

Python Developer ( AI/ML )

  • Python
  • Other places
  • 08/31/2024
  • -

Python Engineer (Remote)

  • Python
  • Los Angeles
  • 08/30/2024
  • -

Python Gen AI Developer

  • Python
  • Other places
  • 08/29/2024
  • -

Python Developer / Web Developer (AI/ML)

  • Python
  • Other places
  • 08/29/2024
  • -

Data Engineer - Python

  • Python
  • Other places
  • 08/28/2024
  • -

Python Developer ( ML & AI)

  • Python
  • Other places
  • 08/28/2024
  • -

Python AI ML Engineer

  • Python
  • Other places
  • 08/28/2024
  • -

ML Engineer /AI Engineer -Python

  • Python
  • Other places
  • 08/28/2024
  • -

Software Developer Python ML/AI

  • Python
  • Other places
  • 08/28/2024
  • -

Python Developer ( ML/AI)

  • Python
  • Other places
  • 08/28/2024
  • -

Find jobs in Python

Today, almost all of our lives are moving online: we shop, study, work and have fun on the Internet. Therefore, in the modern world, IT specialists who often know several programming languages are becoming increasingly in demand. In this article we will talk about how to find Python job, the most popular vacancy in 2024 year, we will understand the advantages and disadvantages of python developer jobs and the areas of python programming jobs.

What is Python?

Python is a general-purpose programming language used in many areas of the IT industry. Its main properties:

·      Code clarity. A syntactic feature of Python is the indentation of code blocks, which greatly simplifies the visual perception of programs written in this language.

·      Interpretability. Programs written in the Python programming language are not translated into machine code, but are immediately executed by an interpreter program. This allows you to run the code on any platform with a pre-installed interpreter.

·      Object orientation. Python is a language designed according to the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm. The main concepts in it are object and class. Classes are special data types, objects are instances of classes. That is, any value is an object of a specific class. In Python, you can not only use existing classes, but also create your own.

·      Dynamic typing. Unlike C-like programming languages, in Python, variables are associated with a type when they are assigned specific values.

The Python programming language is great for many areas of development, both in contract jobs, but in remote jobs: from web to testing and data analysis.

Using the Python language

Python is the most popular programming language among the positions of the best companies. It is used everywhere in the world: in data analytics, testing and game development. Additionally, Python has found widespread use among scientists due to its simplicity. Let's take a closer look at the scope of its application.

Data Science and Data Analytics

It is no coincidence that the choice of specialists in these fields mainly falls on Python. This programming language has all the necessary tools that make it easy to analyze and visualize data:

·      pandas is a library that no analyst can do without;

·      seaborn - a library that allows you to build beautiful graphics in different styles;

·      numpy is a module that allows you to perform calculations with matrices and multidimensional arrays.

Python also has many machine learning tools:

·      TensorFlow.

·      Scikit-learn.

·      Keras.


Many test automation best professionals choose Python for their AI jobs. As you already know, Python is quite easy to use and, as a result, this programming language is friendly to beginners. All this together makes Python an ideal language for testing, since tests need to be created easily and quickly.

Python has two popular testing frameworks: pytest and unittest.

Game development

A surprising number of popular games have been written using Python. These include Battlefield 2, World of Tanks, The Sims 4 and many others. Game developers prefer Python primarily due to its high development speed compared to other programming languages, functionality, and abundance of different frameworks. The main advantages of the Python language are: speed of development, simple and understandable syntax, ease of learning, many frameworks and libraries and, of course, flexibility.

Python Developer Job Opportunities and Salary

Python software developer jobs have been ranked #1 in the TIOBE rankings for the second year in a row. At the same time, the demand for Python developers is growing. Their salaries range from 600 to 4000 $. True, to get a job, it is not enough to know the language - you need to study its technologies that are used for a specific specialty.

You can become a Python coding developer even without any work experience. Large companies often look for interns in order to develop them into worthy competitive specialists. But becoming an intern is also quite difficult. Particularly in demand are senior university students who, in addition to Python, are well versed in mathematics. Also, companies often require knowledge of several programming languages at once. In addition to technical skills, candidates must be able to work in a team, quickly master a large amount of material and understand the essence of the assigned tasks.

Large companies are located mainly in big cities, so it can be difficult for newcomers from the regions to find their first job and gain experience. All they can do is search for orders on various freelance platforms, or move to a big city to look for work!


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