Wolny do pracy


In my professional background, I've had hands-on experience in AI Tutoring, employing artificial intelligence to optimize learning outcomes. This involved designing and implementing personalized learning pathways tailored to individual student profiles and preferences. I utilized advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze student performance data, identify learning gaps, and deliver targeted interventions to support student progress. Additionally, I collaborated with educators and instructional designers to develop innovative AI-powered educational tools and platforms aimed at enhancing student engagement and comprehension. My tenure in AI Tutoring has honed my expertise in leveraging AI technologies to revolutionize the educational landscape and foster lifelong learning opportunities.
  • Doświadczenie
    5 lata
  • Cena za czas
    12 $
  • Liczba wolnych godzin
    0 godziny

Więcej profili jak ten

  • Armenia
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  • Congo, Democratic Republic
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  • Chad
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