Wolny do pracy


In my AI image creation and editing experience, I have focused on using AI technologies to create and enhance visual content. My role involved developing algorithms for image generation, retouching and manipulation using techniques such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) and neural style transfer. Additionally, I collaborated with teams to integrate Al-based image editing features into software applications, providing a seamless user experience.
  • Doświadczenie
    2 lata
  • Cena za czas
    11 $
  • Liczba wolnych godzin
    0 godziny

Więcej profili jak ten

  • Ghana
  • MLOps
  • android
  • wordpress
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  • Liechtenstein
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  • Puerto Rico
  • MLOps
  • app
  • wordpress
  • design
  • javascript
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